Syntax10.Scn.Fnt StampElems Alloc 9 Jun 95 Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt MODULE FoldElems; (** HM IMPORT Display, Oberon, Input, Files, Texts, Viewers, MenuViewers, TextFrames; CONST rightKey = 0; middleKey = 1; leftKey = 2; colLeft* = 0; colRight* = 1; expRight* = 2; expLeft* = 3; tempLeft* = 4; findLeft* = 5; (*fold element mode*) leftMode = {colLeft, expLeft, tempLeft, findLeft}; rightMode = {colRight, expRight}; tempMode = {tempLeft, findLeft}; pixel = 10000; invisW = 1 * pixel; (*width of an invisible element*) Elem* = POINTER TO ElemDesc; ElemDesc* = RECORD (Texts.ElemDesc) mode*: SHORTINT; hidden*: Texts.Buffer; visible*: BOOLEAN END; CheckProc* = PROCEDURE(e: Texts.Elem): BOOLEAN; MarkElem = POINTER TO MarkElemDesc; MarkElemDesc = RECORD (Texts.ElemDesc) END; FindInfo = RECORD found: BOOLEAN; text: Texts.Text; pos: LONGINT; pat: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; len: INTEGER END; PrepSwitchMsg* = RECORD (Texts.ElemMsg) END; elemW-, elemH-: LONGINT; w: Texts.Writer; inf: FindInfo; x0, y0: INTEGER; (*x and y metric of fold characters*) Pat: ARRAY 6 OF Display.Pattern; (* x = 0, y = 3, w = 8, h = 9 *) icl, icr, iel, ier: ARRAY 4 OF SET; PROCEDURE NoNotify (t: Texts.Text; op: INTEGER; beg, end: LONGINT); END NoNotify; PROCEDURE FindCheck (e: Texts.Elem): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN e IS MarkElem END FindCheck; PROCEDURE TargetText (): Texts.Text; VAR f: Display.Frame; v: Viewers.Viewer; BEGIN f := NIL; IF Oberon.Par.frame = Oberon.Par.vwr.dsc THEN f := ELSE v := Oberon.MarkedViewer(); IF (v # NIL) & (v.dsc # NIL) THEN f := END END; IF (f # NIL) & (f IS TextFrames.Frame) THEN RETURN f(TextFrames.Frame).text ELSE RETURN NIL END TargetText; PROCEDURE Echo* (t: Texts.Text; on: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF on THEN t.notify := TextFrames.NotifyDisplay ELSE t.notify := NoNotify END END Echo; PROCEDURE Update (e: Elem); VAR t: Texts.Text; pos: LONGINT; BEGIN t := Texts.ElemBase(e); pos := Texts.ElemPos(e); t.notify(t, Texts.replace, pos, pos+1) END Update; PROCEDURE Twin* (e: Elem): Elem; VAR level, sp: INTEGER; stack: ARRAY 8 OF Elem; r: Texts.Reader; E: Elem; BEGIN E := NIL; level := 1; IF e.mode IN leftMode THEN Texts.OpenReader(r, Texts.ElemBase(e), Texts.ElemPos(e)+1); LOOP Texts.ReadElem(r); IF r.elem = NIL THEN EXIT ELSIF r.elem IS Elem THEN E := r.elem(Elem); IF E.mode IN leftMode THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END; IF level = 0 THEN EXIT END END END ELSE Texts.OpenReader(r, Texts.ElemBase(e), Texts.ElemPos(e)); LOOP Texts.ReadPrevElem(r); IF r.elem = NIL THEN EXIT ELSIF r.elem IS Elem THEN E := r.elem(Elem); IF E.mode IN rightMode THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END; IF level = 0 THEN EXIT END END END END; RETURN E END Twin; PROCEDURE Switch* (e: Elem); VAR a, b: Elem; apos: LONGINT; t: Texts.Text; buf: Texts.Buffer; prepare: PrepSwitchMsg; BEGIN IF e.mode IN leftMode THEN a := e; b := Twin(a) ELSE b := e; a := Twin(b) END; IF a.mode IN tempMode THEN a.mode := expLeft END; IF (a # NIL) & (b # NIL) THEN a.handle(a, prepare); t := Texts.ElemBase(a); apos := Texts.ElemPos(a); a.mode := 3 - a.mode; b.mode := 3 - b.mode; Texts.Delete(t, apos+1, Texts.ElemPos(b)); Texts.Recall(buf); Texts.Insert(t, apos+1, a.hidden); a.hidden := buf; Update(a) END Switch; PROCEDURE ExpandAll* (t: Texts.Text; from: LONGINT; temporal: BOOLEAN); VAR r: Texts.Reader; E: Elem; res: INTEGER; BEGIN Texts.OpenReader(r, t, from); LOOP Texts.ReadElem(r); IF r.elem = NIL THEN EXIT ELSIF r.elem IS Elem THEN E := r.elem(Elem); IF E.mode = colLeft THEN Switch(E); IF temporal THEN E.mode := tempLeft END; Texts.OpenReader(r, t, Texts.ElemPos(E)+1) END END END ExpandAll; PROCEDURE CollapseAll* (t: Texts.Text; modes: SET); VAR r: Texts.Reader; BEGIN Texts.OpenReader(r, t, t.len); LOOP Texts.ReadPrevElem(r); IF r.elem = NIL THEN EXIT ELSIF (r.elem IS Elem) & (r.elem(Elem).mode IN modes) THEN Switch(r.elem(Elem)) END END CollapseAll; PROCEDURE FindElem* (t: Texts.Text; pos: LONGINT; P: CheckProc; VAR elem: Texts.Elem); VAR r: Texts.Reader; E: Elem; PROCEDURE Inside(buf: Texts.Buffer): BOOLEAN; VAR r: Texts.Reader; t0: Texts.Text; found: BOOLEAN; BEGIN t0 := TextFrames.Text(""); Texts.Append(t0, buf); Texts.OpenReader(r, t0, 0); found := FALSE; LOOP Texts.ReadElem(r); IF r.elem = NIL THEN EXIT ELSIF P(r.elem) OR (r.elem IS Elem) & (r.elem(Elem).mode = colLeft) & Inside(r.elem(Elem).hidden) THEN found := TRUE; EXIT END END; Texts.Save(t0, 0, t0.len, buf); RETURN found END Inside; BEGIN Texts.OpenReader(r, t, pos); LOOP Texts.ReadElem(r); pos := Texts.Pos(r); IF (r.elem = NIL) OR P(r.elem) THEN elem := r.elem; EXIT END; IF r.elem IS Elem THEN E := r.elem(Elem); IF (E.mode = colLeft) & Inside(E.hidden) THEN Switch(E); E.mode := findLeft; Texts.OpenReader(r, t, pos) END END END FindElem; PROCEDURE FoldHandler* (e: Texts.Elem; VAR m: Texts.ElemMsg); VAR a: Elem; keys: SET; x, y: INTEGER; t: Texts.Text; buf: Texts.Buffer; k, mode: SHORTINT; neutralize: Oberon.ControlMsg; BEGIN WITH e: Elem DO WITH m: Texts.FileMsg DO IF = Texts.load THEN Files.Read(m.r, k); e.mode := k MOD 4; e.visible := e.W > invisW; IF e.mode IN leftMode THEN NEW(e.hidden); Texts.OpenBuf(e.hidden); IF k < 4 THEN (*text not empty*) t := TextFrames.Text(""); Texts.Load(m.r, t); Texts.Save(t, 0, t.len, e.hidden) END END ELSE (**) mode := e.mode; IF mode IN tempMode THEN mode := expLeft END; IF (mode IN leftMode) & (e.hidden.len = 0) THEN k := mode + 4 ELSE k := mode END; Files.Write(m.r, k); IF (k < 4) & (mode IN leftMode) THEN t := TextFrames.Text(""); NEW(buf); Texts.OpenBuf(buf); Texts.Copy(e.hidden, buf); Texts.Append(t, buf); Texts.Store(m.r, t) END END | m: Texts.CopyMsg DO NEW(a); Texts.CopyElem(e, a); a.mode := e.mode; a.visible := e.visible; IF e.mode IN leftMode THEN NEW(a.hidden); Texts.OpenBuf(a.hidden); Texts.Copy(e.hidden, a.hidden) END; m.e := a | m: Texts.IdentifyMsg DO m.mod := "FoldElems"; m.proc := "New" | m: TextFrames.DisplayMsg DO IF m.prepare THEN IF e.visible THEN e.W := elemW ELSE e.W := invisW END ELSIF e.visible THEN Display.CopyPattern(15, Pat[e.mode], m.X0 + x0, m.Y0 + y0, Display.replace) END | m: TextFrames.TrackMsg DO IF middleKey IN m.keys THEN := Oberon.neutralize; m.frame.handle(m.frame, neutralize); IF e.mode IN tempMode THEN mode := expLeft ELSE mode := e.mode END; Display.CopyPattern(Display.white, Pat[mode], m.X0 + x0, m.Y0 + y0, Display.invert); Display.CopyPattern(Display.white, Pat[3 - mode], m.X0 + x0, m.Y0 + y0, Display.invert); REPEAT Input.Mouse(keys, x, y); m.keys := m.keys + keys; Oberon.DrawCursor(Oberon.Mouse, Oberon.Arrow, x, y) UNTIL keys = {}; IF m.keys = {middleKey} THEN Switch(e) ELSE Display.CopyPattern(Display.white, Pat[3 - mode], m.X0 + x0, m.Y0 + y0, Display.invert); Display.CopyPattern(Display.white, Pat[mode], m.X0 + x0, m.Y0 + y0, Display.invert) END END ELSE END END FoldHandler; PROCEDURE MarkHandler (e: Texts.Elem; VAR m: Texts.ElemMsg); VAR a: MarkElem; BEGIN IF m IS Texts.CopyMsg THEN NEW(a); Texts.CopyElem(e, a); m(Texts.CopyMsg).e := a END END MarkHandler; PROCEDURE Insert*; VAR e: Elem; t: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; BEGIN Oberon.GetSelection(t, beg, end, time); IF (time >= 0) & (t IS Texts.Text) THEN NEW(e); e.mode := expRight; e.W := elemW; e.H := elemH; e.handle := FoldHandler; e.visible := TRUE; Texts.WriteElem(w, e); Texts.Insert(t, end, w.buf); NEW(e); e.mode := expLeft; e.W := elemW; e.H := elemH; e.handle := FoldHandler; NEW(e.hidden); Texts.OpenBuf(e.hidden); e.visible := TRUE; Texts.WriteElem(w, e); Texts.Insert(t, beg, w.buf) END Insert; PROCEDURE InsertCollapsed*; VAR e: Elem; t: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; BEGIN Oberon.GetSelection(t, beg, end, time); IF (time >= 0) & (t IS Texts.Text) THEN NEW(e); e.mode := colRight; e.W := elemW; e.H := elemH; e.handle := FoldHandler; e.visible := TRUE; Texts.WriteElem(w, e); Texts.Insert(t, end, w.buf); NEW(e); e.mode := colLeft; e.W := elemW; e.H := elemH; e.handle := FoldHandler; NEW(e.hidden); Texts.OpenBuf(e.hidden); e.visible := TRUE; Texts.WriteElem(w, e); Texts.Insert(t, beg, w.buf) END InsertCollapsed; PROCEDURE Marks*; VAR s: Texts.Scanner; t: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; visible: BOOLEAN; wt: Texts.Text; r: Texts.Reader; BEGIN wt := TargetText(); IF wt # NIL THEN Texts.OpenScanner(s, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(s); IF (s.class = Texts.Char) & (s.c = "^") & (s.line = 0) THEN Oberon.GetSelection(t, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(s, t, beg); Texts.Scan(s) END END; IF (s.class = Texts.Name) & ((s.s = "on") OR (s.s = "off")) THEN visible := s.s = "on"; Texts.OpenReader(r, wt, 0); LOOP Texts.ReadElem(r); IF r.elem = NIL THEN EXIT ELSIF r.elem IS Elem THEN r.elem(Elem).visible := visible; Update(r.elem(Elem)) END END END END Marks; PROCEDURE Search*; VAR v: Viewers.Viewer; f: TextFrames.Frame; t: Texts.Text; r: Texts.Reader; beg, end, time, lim: LONGINT; i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; e: Texts.Elem; ntfy: Texts.Notifier; E: MarkElem; m: Oberon.ControlMsg; BEGIN v := Oberon.Par.vwr; IF Oberon.Par.frame # v.dsc THEN v := Oberon.FocusViewer END; IF (v # NIL) & (v IS MenuViewers.Viewer) & ( IS TextFrames.Frame) THEN f :=; inf.text := f.text; IF f.hasCar THEN inf.pos := f.carloc.pos; TextFrames.RemoveCaret(f) ELSE inf.pos := 0 END; Oberon.GetSelection(t, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN (*else find again*) Texts.OpenReader(r, t, beg); inf.len := 0; WHILE beg < end DO Texts.Read(r, inf.pat[inf.len]); INC(inf.len); INC(beg) END; inf.pat[inf.len] := 0X; := Oberon.neutralize; Viewers.Broadcast(m); END; IF inf.len > 0 THEN Echo(inf.text, FALSE); ExpandAll(inf.text, inf.pos, TRUE); inf.found := FALSE; lim := inf.text.len - inf.len; Texts.OpenReader(r, inf.text, inf.pos); LOOP Texts.Read(r, ch); (*find*) IF inf.pos > lim THEN EXIT ELSIF ch = inf.pat[0] THEN Texts.Read(r, ch); i := 1; WHILE (i < inf.len) & (ch = inf.pat[i]) DO Texts.Read(r, ch); INC(i) END; IF i = inf.len THEN inf.pos := inf.pos + inf.len; inf.found := TRUE; EXIT ELSE INC(inf.pos); Texts.OpenReader(r, inf.text, inf.pos) END ELSE INC(inf.pos) END END; IF inf.found THEN NEW(E); E.W := 0; E.H := 0; E.handle := MarkHandler; Texts.WriteElem(w, E); Texts.Insert(inf.text, inf.pos, w.buf); CollapseAll(inf.text, {tempLeft}); Echo(inf.text, TRUE); FindElem(inf.text, 0, FindCheck, e); inf.pos := Texts.ElemPos(e); IF E = e (*FindElem did not expand anything*) THEN Echo(inf.text, FALSE) END; Texts.Delete(inf.text, inf.pos, inf.pos + 1); Echo(inf.text, TRUE); end := TextFrames.Pos(f, f.X + f.W, f.Y); IF (inf.pos < OR (inf.pos >= end) THEN TextFrames.Show(f, inf.pos - 120) END; TextFrames.SetCaret(f, inf.pos) ELSE CollapseAll(inf.text, {tempLeft}); Echo(inf.text, TRUE) END END END Search; PROCEDURE Restore*; VAR t: Texts.Text; BEGIN t := TargetText(); IF t # NIL THEN CollapseAll(t, {findLeft}) END END Restore; PROCEDURE Expand*; VAR t: Texts.Text; BEGIN t := TargetText(); IF t # NIL THEN ExpandAll(t, 0, FALSE) END END Expand; PROCEDURE Collapse*; VAR t: Texts.Text; BEGIN t := TargetText(); IF t # NIL THEN CollapseAll(t, {expLeft, tempLeft, findLeft}) END END Collapse; PROCEDURE New*; VAR e: Elem; BEGIN NEW(e); e.handle := FoldHandler; := e END New; PROCEDURE Init; (*for SPARCstatiom, DECstation, RS6000 and PowerMacintosh *) VAR img: ARRAY 10 OF SET; BEGIN img[1] := {2}; img[2] := {2..3}; img[3] := {2..4}; img[4] := {2..5}; img[5] := {2..6}; img[6] := {2..5}; img[7] := {2..4}; img[8] := {2..3}; img[9] := {2}; Pat[0]:=Display.NewPattern(img, 8, 9); (*collapsed left*) img[1] := {2}; img[2] := {2, 3}; img[3] := {2, 4}; img[4] := {2, 5}; img[5] := {2, 6}; img[6] := {2, 5}; img[7] := {2, 4}; img[8] := {2, 3}; img[9] := {2}; Pat[3]:=Display.NewPattern(img, 8, 9); (*expanded left*) img[1] := {5}; img[2] := {4..5}; img[3] := {3..5}; img[4] := {2..5}; img[5] := {1..5}; img[6] := {2..5}; img[7] := {3..5}; img[8] := {4..5}; img[9] := {5}; Pat[1]:=Display.NewPattern(img, 8, 9); (*collapsed right*) img[1] := {5}; img[2] := {4, 5}; img[3] := {3, 5}; img[4] := {2, 5}; img[5] := {1, 5}; img[6] := {2, 5}; img[7] := {3, 5}; img[8] := {4, 5}; img[9] := {5}; Pat[2]:=Display.NewPattern(img, 8, 9); (*expanded right*) Pat[4]:=Pat[3]; Pat[5]:=Pat[3]; inf.len:=0; elemW:=8*LONG(pixel); elemH:=12*LONG(pixel); x0:=0; y0:=3 END Init; BEGIN Init; Texts.OpenWriter(w) END FoldElems.